Sitting down to write my first post…I suppose it’s comparable to a first impression….all those crazy notions swirling around in your head…feeling a bit like an awkward teenager wondering if the first post will be cool enough, interesting enough, let’s face it…smart enough to make you want to take a minute out of your day to find some enjoyment or value in this…how am I doing so far?

So here’s the skinny. I’m not special, gifted, or have celebrity status. I’m not famous and haven’t been on one of those reality tv shows (but I was just a guest on the Mel Robbins show which was ‘ahhhhmazing‘ and they’ll be a lot more about that later). And don’t critique my grammar…my college profs would be having a field day with this – I classify myself as a whimsical writer. I’m me…original Amy – 49 3/4 years old…married for 26 years….have three kids….22,20,16…moved 11 times and one of those was in a foreign country. I live in Connecticut…not born and raised….born and raised a good old midwestern gal in Wisconsin….but haven’t lived there for 26 years….so I guess you can now classify me as a New Englander….yikes (don’t think I can even say that out loud…..let’s face it I’m still a cheesehead at heart) and when I meet a new person – 9 times out of 10 they say, “are you from the midwest?”

This blog will be transparent, and probably a little quirky….but if you can relate to even the tiniest bit you will find it helpful!

It’s about finding simplicity in this crazy life we all are living and sharing our stories….empowering others to feel good, look good, exude confidence and heck – that’s not easy….we can preach it till the cows come home to our kids, our husbands, our friends….but it takes full-on courage to admit you’re confident…And it should appeal to all ages, whether you’re amidst chasing your littles around with a pull up during potty training, running back and forth to PTA meetings or playgroups, working full time, or maybe now have an empty nest – we all are ordinary people with extraordinary stories…so let’s start sharing them.

And after all those words that I have written so far…this is really what it’s all about. You do have the ability to create your own destiny…like the word Meraki in which I entitled this first post…Meraki is to do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work. That’s why I’m so excited to share this blog with you…my ultimate objective is simple..share my story and in return start sharing your stories. And because I decided to launch my blog the same month I got my upgrade to an iPhone 10, I need to be ‘techy’ – so it’s interactive…you can ask questions and I’ll get back to you with my best answer. So – kick back with your coffee, or green tea….or heck it’s 5 pm somewhere your wine and see what this crazy journey to 50 and beyond is all about…

And at the end of the day….maybe you’ll be a little interested in coming on this journey with me…I’m writing my book, starting a Podcast (want to be a guest and share your story) and setting up roundtable discussions for you all to be a part of….(there’s room for you!) And no experience needed…just an open mind, generous heart…and ready to have a lot of fun.

Now go forth and be awesome!