I was recently asked, “How come there is a 20-year gap in my resume?”

I can easily explain.

Here are my professional skills not in any specific order:

Teacher:  I have done more school projects than your average Joe.  I have taught ‘people’ their first words, shapes, colors.  I’ve learned math the ‘new way’…still don’t get it. I could list more skills and elaborate, but you probably get the point. Please also note…I also can recite the book ‘Everyone Poops’ by memory. (impressed much?)

Chef:  I have prepared healthy lunches for years including all five food groups. (some lunches have even included motivational mommy notes)  I have also prepped and prepared countless breakfasts, dinners, snacks (even crafty kinds of snacks)…I could tell you about the spiders I made for Halloween…but I digress

Event Planner Extraordinaire:  I have planned theme parties, (and had to take out a ‘Teletubbie’ that was behaving badly and secretly smoking in the garage at my daughter’s 2nd birthday party…so bodyguard/bouncer is not a stretch) compiled lists and spreadsheets for team sign-ups, and the list goes on. Let’s just say I’m organized and creative and can multi-task (beast mode).

Housekeeper:  There is no shortage of things I’ve cleaned up or organized over the last 20 years.  From accidents during potty training to stomach bugs that go through the entire house, to dusting, vacuuming, window cleaning…you get my drift.

Accountant:  Now I will admit I am thankful to this day to my 10th-grade geometry teacher for tutoring me for hours after school so I could pass the class….so this is not my strongest area of skill…but it is by no means a weakness (see how I turned that around)…I have paid tuition bills, travel club bills, grocery bills, car maintenance bills and fully funded my kid’s wallets for school bake sales so they weren’t the only ones not getting a cupcake…so I can handle nickels and dimes with ease. And am known to play a pretty good hand of blackjack and cribbage…I got the number thing down!

Chauffeur:  This is truly a no-brainer…I have trekked miles and miles dropping here, there and everywhere….and can even handle those last-minute texts when I’m just about to pull in the driveway for a pick up at 10 pm …and they decided to go to someone else’s house…and I know how to change my own tire and check the oil (bam!)

Next question……

“You are almost 50, don’t you think you’re a little late to the game, and how about technology?”

I will start by stating…….. I DO NOT HAVE AN AOL EMAIL! (and if you do, no judgment)

I’ll be honest, technology is killing me sometimes.  But I work hard to keep up with the trends… I’ve been to the genius bar multiple times and Geek Squad may or may not avoid my calls on their caller ID….

True Story (any employer would like my transparency)  After several years of having an outdated phone my son recently pleaded his case.  Off they go to the Verizon store to get a new phone…and guess what….they’re offering a new phone for free with the purchase of one…..

It’s my turn!

I get to cash in my chips for a brand new iPhone 10 – the one without a home button (that’s confusing). And the day after I got my new phone they came out with a new one…I think it’s now the 11!

I am not complaining…I do have a slight problem with turning the flashlight on for no apparent reason and not noticing it’s on until it shines, almost blinding a friend when we were out for coffee.

I challenge myself to keep up with technology and social media…but I do have to regularly have to take social media breaks….overwhelmed much?

So….at Fearlessly Facing Fifty©,  I am taking on a new challenge…and I want you to do the same if you can find any of this post relatable…I feel like I’m the best version of me right now. Better with age…just like wine ( I will not include that in my resume)

I have life experiences

I have set goals….smashed goals….reset and recalibrated goals….

So put yourself out there…don’t be the statistic of women that look at the job requirements and put on the brakes, and rule yourself out.

At this stage of life, you have

Supported – Conducted – Developed – Hosted – Delegated – Budgeted – Helped – Organized – Coordinated – Created

And that’s just a few of the words to start building your resume!

I want to hear your story…..can you relate to any of this?  Have you ‘put yourself out there’ and gotten back into the workforce after raising your kids?  Have you had your resume ready but afraid to push send?  Have you thought about going for it….and just don’t know where in the heck to start.

Embrace the 40’s, 50’s and beyond….it’s not the time to become invisible and lose your identity!

Now go forth and be awesome!