I truly believe that I am forever evolving.

Simply, I am a work in progress and I love learning. Ok…I’ll be honest maybe not the kind of learning that entails homework every night, but I wear a name tag that simply introduces me as, “Hi, I’m a lifetime learner”.

Life long learners recognize the importance and joy of growth. They don’t settle for what they currently know and always seek to improve. So like I said, “A work in progress”.

What does that look like? For me, it involves a story – I’m sure you find that shocking.

As you know, Fearlessly Facing Fifty© has been on my heart for awhile. I’m passionate about empowering women to live their best life and not become invisible. There is no better time than the present to link arms and collaborate…not compete with each other.

I’m a huge believer in collaboration not competition……

As you also may know or realize from what you’ve read so far….I am an ALL IN type of woman. When you ask me to do something….oh, I’ll do it and I’ll do it 110%….and I will figure out a way to make it bigger and bigger….that is what makes me tick. SO…let’s fast forward to this project.

I have an incredible opportunity to share my story, and help others share theirs….bring in experts and interview them…share their insight and grow together. I’m launching a brand new website, podcast and a book that will be done in 2020.

Sounds like a big undertaking for sure….but what do I do?

I jump in….cannonball right off the highest diving board…..I have to come up for air and shake the water out of my ears and nose….but I’m off…..riding the waves.

I’m writing…I’m interviewing…..I’m engaged in conversations and making connections….and this is really happening….and it’s unfolding before my eyes at record speed ( I’m ok with that).


I have an army of wonderful people in my life both professionally and personally and I asked them to take a look at my DIY website ( I signed up for the free version – not premium)…..Relatable?

I took their feedback…I completely agreed….and I knew as a result of it I would have to make some changes…which require time…and I’m not the most savvy with technology…..

Will this screw up my rhythm…and make people question if I can do this?

I don’t think so….because there’s nothing better than being all in and hands on…and being fully invested in the project and mission. My mission is to take on challenges and forge ahead….empower and encourage!

I didn’t panic and wave my arms around scrambling to get to the side….I simply asked for help. I asked for a life preserver…..and I grabbed it and held on tight.

I’m a lifelong learner…and I’m a risk taker…not the kind of risk taker that jumps off cliffs or out of airplanes…but I’ll put myself out there…..when I feel like I’m drowning….I ask for help.

So what next?

I have so many wonderful friends and resources available to me. They see my passion and desire, and they know what I am about, what I’m doing, and where I plan to go…..they know exactly why I jumped in with both feet and wouldn’t want me to change a thing…..

But..there will be some waves….some currents, some rip tides….and like I said in an earlier post –

I recently recorded my first hands free insta story (whaaat) and I got some feedback from someone (may or may not have been my own kid) that said I sounded like I was yelling….and if you know me, I’ve only really belted a full gut buster yell at the birth of my second child……oh that’s a story for another post….

And I put fear aside and went ahead with an Insta live today….got to the end – high 5’d myself – pushed send – it loaded……and guess what? It had no sound…..(not even kidding) So…I hit the big DELETE button…..Story no longer available….

That’s OK

That’s Normal

So…as my website is being revised and I’m working on the updates myself, so I learn during the process…and I’m producing my own podcasts (even though two people have asked to produce it for me) – I’m determined at almost 50, to learn this stuff….even though I giggle every time I plug my cord in the wrong port…or whatever it’s called. I’ve learned that an RSS feed does not involve food (darn) and I’m all in…and I am loving learning how to fade, rss edit, and what the heck platforms are…I’m getting the technology part down – and for me- that’s important.

Am I fearless….I wouldn’t say completely fearless…but confident…indeed.

So I wanted to be genuine and transparent and share my journey…my story as I launch Fearlessly Facing Fifty©……the good…the not so good….and the not so pretty…..

That’s OK

That’s Normal

I’m not perfect…and my journey will not be perfect…but I’m having the time of my life….and if not now, when?

So embrace the imperfections…the ordinary….because like my website says….Every Ordinary Person (my hand is raised high in the air – I bet you can almost see it) has an extraordinary story….and this is part of my story.

I’m looking forward to my meeting tomorrow morning with my crazy smart millennial team of experts…and they are patient…they are kind….and they make me walk through all the steps from set up to send to everything in between….Lifetime learner….check the box!

I won’t need my life preserver for long….I have a feeling I’ll be floating in a swan with a drink holder before too long….

Now go forth and be awesome!