Amy Schmidt is a confidence, reinvention expert, and storyteller. She is a sought-after national media expert and thought leader on a variety of topics, an award-winning podcast host, stream show host, TEDx speaker, and author (Cannonball! Fearlessly Facing Midlife and Beyond) who has appeared in hundreds of publications, podcasts, live news, tv lifestyle segments, and radio.
Amy has an eclectic array of experiences sharing her own personal stories and authentic voice. Her areas of expertise include parenting through transitions, empty nesting, boomerang kids, reinvention, confidence, and identifying your authentic self. She is an action-oriented leader who inspires and ultimately guides clients to achieve their goals. She uses her positive approach to encourage people to be the best version of themselves.
As a former journalist, turned ‘trailing spouse’ staying home to raise her children, she believes her voice and action-oriented advice allows people to move the needle on their journey and make positive changes in their relationships. Through countless reinventions, at the age of 49, she knew there was more to do, and she launched her brand and podcast, Fearlessly Facing Fifty. Amy is a national keynote speaker, moderator, workshop presenter, and panelist.

You’re entering midlife—the “big five-oh” may be looming or may have come and gone. You find yourself standing on the edge of the high dive wishing you could cannonball with fearless exhilaration like you did when you were ten. But you’re frozen. What’s holding you back? Fear of the unknown? Procrastination? Self-doubt? Fear of others judging you? Fear of failing? Amy Schmidt has been there, done that, and still doing some of it.
In Cannonball, Fearlessly Facing Midlife and Beyond, she shares her personal stories, and those of other women, to help arm us with insights and inspiration to cannonball fearlessly into the rest of our lives with the biggest splash possible. Amy is the real deal—disarmingly open, honest, and relatable. She sometimes feels fat. She can be a perfectionist. She can procrastinate and she sometimes forgets to love herself. But as she says, “I am a work in progress,” and most days she feels “absolutelyfreaking” amazing. Amy is the BFF you want climbing each rung of that ladder with you and encouraging you to cannonball into the next best phase of your life.